Ang Panindahan: A Weekend Pop-Up Collective

Let me just say I'm a Gen-X getting in touch with my inner Gen-Z! Ang Panindahan, a weekend pop-up market with a very Gen-Z stylized flair was just the perfect distraction on a boring Saturday afternoon. Saturday mornings are reserved for serious garden and yard work so afternoons are free for fancy strolls and carefree me-time activities. With a dearth of weekend markets this time of the year, the youthful bazaar was a lovely event to visit. I am a fan of some of the merchants so I dragged my perimenopausal bones to check-out the goodies, fancy drinks and grub. 

I have always been intrigued with the interiors of the event venue Balay Sueno so the weekend market was the perfect opportunity to legally peek inside the house and see the splendid restoration work done on the property. Decades ago, the house was the local version of the Tower of Pisa, the structure perilously held together by poles and pillars. Today, it a stunning landmark near the Tabuc Suba Bridge.It is beautifully lit up at night during privately catered parties and celebrations. 

The bazaar had candle and ceramic workshop stations, curated thrifted vintage apparel, flower shop, pet gifts and treats, local artisan artworks, snacks, pastry and coffee. It's a pet-friendly event as well.  There is a garden enclosure on the east side of the property for guests to drink and dine. A very lovely set-up for Ilonggo youngsters to enjoy themselves. I look forward to more of this kind of weekend markets in the future as this is a great way to showcase the city's heritage buildings and homegrown brands. 

I hope they come up with a Gen-X (30s-40s age group) version of Panindahan next time as I realized the marketing come-on attracts a very young niche market. Kidding aside, you know it's awkward mingling with very young shoppers because you feel so old if not archaic. What do you say Titos and Titas of Iloilo?


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