

London Fog and tea brews at Drip Cafe

Cafes have been sprouting in the City of Love especially along the Diversion Road area. There's Cafe Augusto at Esplanade 2, Daily Buns Cafe & Bakery and cafes at the Atria Park District. If you're coming from the Espalanade area for your morning or evening walk, consider dropping by in one of these cafes for iced refreshments or a warming cup of coffee. 

Nestled beside Greenfield Complex, Diversion Road (just outside Stella's) is Drip Cafe, a cute little hiding spot to enjoy coffee and other Earl Grey tea brews. I love the Japanese aesthetic of this cafe. It’s like I'm back in Tokyo!

Aside from the standard coffee menu, they have tea brews like London Fog and Autumn  that go well with their pastries especially their Earl Grey Honey Cake. If you love hot tea brews,  Drip Cafe is the place to be. 


DRIP CAFE Coffee and Community
GF, Greenfield Complex, Diversion Road
Mandurriao, Iloilo City
IG: @drip.ilo

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